National Breastfeeding Week 2019
This year Scotland literally kicked off Breastfeeding Weeks across the UK, with the launch of their new Scotland breastfeeding welcome scheme at Dundee Football Club. See this tweet.
link to ScotGov video for Bf welcome scheme
NHS LanarkshIre published a video on breastfeeding out and about.
Activities and resources came from all over Scotland:
NHS Lanarkshire produced a video showing the impact of breastfeeding on infant and maternal health, see #LanarkshireBreastfeeding
NHS Lanarkshire hosted a ” Breastfeeding Summit” – you can follow on Twitter on #bfsummit19
Ayrshire launched new guidelines on supporting a mother to continue breastfeeding if she is hospitalised
Scottish Breastfeeding Week wound up with the publication of Scotland’s  ‘Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly” report and recommendations
Northern Ireland built on their successful #NotSorryMums campaign, with the stories of young mums and the importance of skin-to-skin
Wales plan to celebrate during World Breastfeeding Week, the first week of August. We will update this page with the info in August.

LCGB added two new blog posts to the website during the week, one from Midwife and Twitter enthusiast Jenny Clarke @JennyTheM on skin to skin, and one from mum of two Darcie on breastfeeding as a young mother in the UK.