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Inside LCGB
LCGB Charity
LCGB Partnerships
LCGB Membership

Lactation Consultants of Great Britain (LCGB) is a registered charity working to improve the health and wellbeing of families through advocacy and expert IBCLC breastfeeding care.

Founded in 1994 to serve as a professional voice for breastfeeding, LCGB also provides advanced education and training for infant feeding specialists

 As the professional voice for breastfeeding, LCGB promotes the work of the IBCLC and ensures parents receive the help they need to breastfeed. LCGB also provides networking and learning opportunities for its members, including running an annual conference and ongoing web learning (OWL). LCGB have representatives that advise and consult on all kinds of strategic matters related to infant feeding in the UK.

Members of LCGB include midwives, health visitors, dieticians, GPs, paediatricians, infant feeding leads, peer support coordinators, NHS and public health project leads, academic researchers, peer supporters and members from every voluntary sector network, as well as independent lactation consultants.

LCGB was first a not-for-profit organisation, formed in 1994.

In 2020, LCGB became a CIO- a Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Membership of LCGB has been steadily climbing in recent years. We welcome IBCLC members and associate members.