Benefits of membership for student, associate and IBCLC members include:
- Education Bulletin
- Discounted rates for: conferences and study events offered by LCGB and associated organisations
- Opportunity to join group rate to online lactation conferences
- Discounted rate to purchase books etc
- Information for aspiring IBCLCs
Two annual scholarships for aspiring IBCLCs to attend LCGB Conference
- Access to the Members Area of the website, filled with useful resources.
- Regular newsletter updating members
- Network with IBCLCs both local and national
- Contribute towards an organisation that represents and promotes IBCLCs in the UK
- The opportunity to work with others in the UK’s professional breastfeeding
organisation, supporting breastfeeding families, IBCLCs and prospective IBCLCs - Raise your profile through the ‘Find an IBCLC’ directory on the LCGB website IBCLCs only
- Advertise your IBCLC services with an advertisement on the LCGB website IBCLCs only
- Discounted rate for Lactation Consultant indemnity insurance IBCLCs only
LCGB is constantly seeking out and adding value to its membership offering. These benefits are not an exhaustive list!
Membership Levels
Associate Membership is appropriate for:
- Individuals studying to become IBCLCs
- Midwives, public health nurses & health visitors
- Practice nurses, paediatric nurses & neonatal nurses
- Paediatricians, obstetricians & GPs
- Dietitians/nutritionists
- Doulas
- Health promotion specialists
- Parentcraft/antenatal educators
- Students of the above professions
- Educators and researchers
- Breastfeeding counsellors, peer supporters and breastfeeding advocates
- Associate membership is not open for currently certified IBCLCs
Associate members are not eligible to vote, but have all other rights of membership
IBCLC Membership is appropriate for:
- Individuals who are currently certified IBCLCs
Student Membership is appropriate for:
- Student Membership is a one time only opportunity.
LCGB offers this to IBCLC candidates as a financial saving on your membership during the year you are planning to sit the exam. We know that membership can be beneficial to those on the pathway to becoming full IBCLCs.
This membership level goes through approval before being granted.
Subscriber to newsletter only is appropriate for:
- Those who are not in a position to currently be a member but who would like to hear from us in LCGB's monthly newsletter. Opportunities such as scholarships and discounts are shared in these letters. Note that the discounts offered by LCGB are for student, associate and IBCLC members only however we aim to ensure the education is accessible through scholarships and free presentations. Offering you access to the newsletter gives you the opportunity to be alerted to these opportunities.
LCGB has an annual sponsored membership scheme.